Some good news, and a blatant marketing post

I’ve just updated the workshops page ( well, mainly deleting stuff) with details of a fabulous new venue: Quirky Workshops, near Penrith-

Here’s their home page, and details of the first event can be found either on my own workshops page, or under the paint & paper page on their website. Feels great to be writing something positive after over 6 months of gloom and doom.

So, now the shameless marketing/selling bit: in common with every other artist, the spring and summer has been completely barren of any opportunities to make any income from demonstrations, workshops and art festivals, so I’ve been relying on commissions ( mainly house portraits for gifts…ooooh…Christmas is not too far away, so plenty of time to organise a really special gift-just drop me an email ), and selling my 2021 calendars and new sketchbooks…still available in my Etsy shop…just click the link to the right of this post.

An actual workshop-live and in person!!!!

After over 6 months of gloom and doom, with cancelled demos and workshops, I am absolutely delighted to be able to announce an actual, live workshop-the first in a series-in a new (to me) venue!!!

This well established place looks amazing, the reviews are excellent, and I cannot tell how much I’m looking forward to this( especially the home cooked lunch, which is included in the cost). The first date is in November, with a second in December, and three more pencilled in for next year.

Here’s the link to book:

and here’s a photo of the venue itself-looks idyllic, doesn’t it?…I can’t wait….

A top tip

I was delighted to be asked by The SAA ( Society for All Artists) to write a blog for their website: I’m still polishing my words of wisdom, and will post when it’s ready.

As a taster, they also asked me for a ‘Top Tip’ which was published today on their social media channels: here it is, with the two demonstration drawings.

John Harrison, artist: purveyor of line drawings with watercolour is a pen and wash artist and has the answer to this often asked question: “How can I make my drawings look less flat?”

One way to achieve this is to vary the line weights that you use in the initial drawing, staring with a really fine nib.
The initial linework on the drawing was done with a 0.05 size, and the emphasis lines with a 0.3 nib.

The fine nib can also be used for any hatching, and the heavier one for deep shadow areas, which can help suggest strong sunlight.

Confining the emphasis lines to those areas closest to the viewer, and leaving those areas furthest away in the lightest lines will also help with aerial perspective to convey a sense of depth and distance.

Share your work with us if you find John’s tip helpful!

Here are the two stages of a quick demo drawing which accompanied the post:

Online demonstration

Morning. I had a few requests as to where the online drawing demo I did during the depths of lockdown had disappeared: folk had tried to find it, but it seemed to have disappeared! Turns out that an expiry date had been applied to it(mistakenly) -this has now been rectified, and you can now access it via the link below.

Once you have a ticket, you then have lifetime access to the video, so you can follow along, pause it as you see fit, or rewind to listen again to my dulcet tones and erudite commentary. 🙂

Here’s the link:

…and here’s the finished drawing-with-colour

My finished demo piece, complete with colour swatch information

A new Youtube video

Regular readers might like to know that I’ve just uploaded a new video to my Youtube channel-it’s the second stage in a line drawing/watercolour demonstration. The first stage is/was a very quick and loose pen drawing, highlighting the different ways to achieve loose, lively lines- you can find that one on my channel too.

I’ll be finishing the series off with part three in a couple of days- this will be the fine tuning bit: using more pen lines to help differentiate between the various components in the scene. meanwhile, enjoy this new clip, and please, please do let me know if there’s anything specific you’d like me to demonstrate – we’re still a long way off resumption of ‘normal’ in-person workshops, so I have plenty of time to try out different techniques and methods, in between planning and writing a new Line and Wash ‘How to’ book…

oh, dear- did I say that out loud?

Here’s the video link.

2021 calendars

In a shameless act of blatant marketing and self promotion, I’m delighted to announce that my 2021 calendars have just arrived from the printers and are now available to purchase on my Etsy shop:

I’ve had a few messages from folk that they have trouble navigating the Etsy site, so if you’re one of those, I’ll be more than happy to help-just send me an email- and we can do it that way.

Here’s a photo of the actual calendars-the eagle-eyed among you might spot that the cover design is slightly altered from the one I posted earlier….

Save the date

I’ve finally reached a point where I’ve finished all the commissions I had, and I have a few days’ grace, which is allowing me the time to crack on with my calendar artwork for next year. I want to have them ready for the first week in August, so I really need to get on with it.

Here’s a quick picture of the cover and one of the pages…what do you think so far?

This is the cover(so far) I’m still undecided!
This is February.