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A quick post today…I just uploaded the second part of my Staithes drawing…this part features the addition of watercolour can watch it here.

A more detailed post will follow in a few days; in response to many comments and requests, I’m writing a recollection and thoughts on my experience on Watercolour Challenge, which is currently being broadcast on Channel 5 at 4pm here in the UK.

Busy,busy, busy

Well, that was quite a Monday to start the week. So much happened I thought I would share it in one (hopefully informative) post….to start with, tomorrow sees my latest mini-workshop for the lovely folk at Etchr Studios, and places are still available as I write: it’s at 3 pm GMT & will last for 90 minutes. If you can’t spare the time ‘live’, you can catch up with the recording, which will be emailed to you in 2 -3 days…and all for the price of a big fancy coffee. Details are here

I was also delighted to find out that one of the new pieces I took to The Old School Gallery in Muker last week has happily sold, and is on its way to Hawaii of all places! I did offer to deliver it personally…….this was the [piece in question

The lane into Muker

In other news……

I finally ordered a new set of 8 greeting cards from my printer, which will be available on my Etsy shop from next week: I needed to re-stock as I’d completely sold out!!!

I’m also very fortunate to have a few nice commissions in hand, but I will always be able to fit more in, especially if you’re starting too think about the ‘C’ word, gifts, and possible shortages of ideas for the imminent festive season: just drop me a line if you’re at all interested?

What else? Not much more for a rainy Monday here in Yorkshire, but there’s still time…..

It’s nearly time

In less than 24 hours, the car will be packed with my new work, this year’s repro sketchbook, lots of new cards and my new 2020 calendars, and I’ll be on my way to the Staithes Festival.

If any of you are planning to visit, I’ll be in Broome Cottage again at the top of Mount Pleasant- here’s a hand drawn map that I did way back at my first festival that should help you to find me…..I did think about re-drawing it, but resisted the temptation…I’ve got some other stuff to finish first!!!!!

The map to Broome Cottage, from the car park along the Old Stubble

Good morning!

Fancy a little Yorkshire break? You could do worse than a stay in one of these amazing cottages in Harrogate…they’ve all been decorated to a very high, stylish standard: I was intrigued by the name, but soon realised why- they all feature original artwork rather than bland generic stuff, and it’s all for sale!

You can imagine then, how I was absolutely delighted to be invited to have my work on show: I delivered several Yorkshire themed pieces a couple of weeks ago, and some are already up, with the others to follow.

A few of my framed drawings ready to go to Harrogate

Do have a look round their fabulous website.I’m honoured to be listed under the Resident Artists tab……and, in an absolutely shameless sales plug, if you do happen to be interested in purchasing any of this work, just drop me a line?